SEBI, vide circular dated 08th September, 2017, 15th October, 2019 and 27th May, 2022 prescribed
Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD Cat-I) banks is invited to the Foreign Exchange Management (Borrowing and
Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD Category-I) banks is invited to paragraph 3 of the press release on
It has been decided to designate the two securities listed in the following Table as
Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated June 10, 2022
Banks are required to include all Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) [FCNR (B)] and Non-Resident (External)
The banks are advised that with effect from July 07, 2022, the interest rate ceiling
“Unity Small Finance Bank Limited” has been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve
Disciplinary Proceedings. Regulation 11. The disciplinary proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions
SEBI, vide its Circular dated 04th July, 2022 asks Stock Exchanges and Depositories to launch