The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on June 7, 2022 has issued Notification regarding Branches of Indian Banks operating in GIFT-IFSC to act as Professional Clearing Member (PCM) of India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX).
The following has been stated namely: –
• Applicability – The instructions are applicable to domestic scheduled commercial banks (including foreign banks operating through a Wholly Owned Subsidiary incorporated in India), which are authorised to deal in foreign exchange and have a branch in GIFT-IFSC.
• Procedure for Application – The parent bank (‘bank’) shall seek a No Objection Certificate (NoC) from the Reserve Bank of India prior to its branch in GIFT-IFSC seeking professional clearing membership of IIBX, subject to fulfillment of the prudential requirements. An eligible bank shall, with prior approval of its Board, make an application to the Department of Regulation, Reserve Bank of India with details of its proposed business plan as a PCM along with particulars of the risk management architecture instituted at its branch in GIFT-IFSC.
• Terms and Conditions – While operating as a PCM of IIBX, the bank shall ensure strict compliance on a continuing basis with the following conditions:
1. The bank shall ensure adherence to extant RBI guidelines on capital requirements for their exposures (including but not limited to default fund contributions, posted collateral, exposure to clients, trade exposure to CCP) arising from its branch in GIFT-IFSC functioning as PCM on IIBX. The bank shall comply with the regulatory capital requirement of the host or home regulator, whichever is more stringent.
2. The bank shall ensure adherence to extant RBI guidelines on management of liquidity risk (including those arising from its functioning as a PCM of IIBX) as issued from time to time.
For Further : https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12330&Mode=0