Banks are required to include all Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) [FCNR (B)] and Non-Resident (External) Rupee (NRE) deposit liabilities for computation of Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL) for maintenance of CRR and SLR.
Banks are advised that with effect from the reporting fortnight beginning July 30, 2022, incremental FCNR (B) deposits as also NRE Term deposits with reference to base date of July 1, 2022, mobilised by banks will be exempt from maintenance of CRR and SLR. To amplify, if a bank had total FCNR (B) deposit of say USD 100 as on the base date, and mobilises an incremental deposit of say USD 20, that portion of USD 20 will not be part of liabilities reckoned for the purpose of NDTL computation for CRR and SLR maintenance with effect from the fortnight beginning July 30, 2022. The same principle will apply for calculation of NRE Term deposits for exemption from maintenance of CRR/SLR requirements. However, any transfer from Non-Resident (Ordinary) (NRO) accounts to NRE accounts will not qualify for such exemptions.
The above exemptions are valid for deposits raised till November 04, 2022. The exemption on reserves maintenance will be available for the original deposit amounts till such time the deposits are held in the bank books.