RBI Update – Unified Payments Interface (UPI) access for Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) through third-party applications

Currently, UPI payments from / to a bank account can be carried out using the UPI application of that bank or of any third-party application provider. However, UPI payments from / to a PPI can only be carried out using the mobile application provided by the PPI issuer.It has been decided to enable UPI payments from / to full-KYC PPIs through third-party UPI applications. This will enable PPI holders to make / receive UPI payments through the mobile application of third-party UPI applications.

Previous instructionsRevised instructions
11.6.3. PPI holders shall be on-boarded for UPI by their own PPI issuer only. PPI issuer shall only link its customer wallets to the handle issued to it. PPI issuer as PSP shall not on-board customers of any bank or any other PPI issuer.

11.6.4. Authentication shall be completed by the PPI holder as per her / his existing wallet credentials. In other words, a transaction will be pre-approved before it reaches the UPI.
11.6.3. A PPI issuer shall enable holders of only its full-KYC PPIs to make UPI payments by linking its customer PPIs to its UPI handle. UPI transactions from PPI on the issuer’s application shall be authenticated using the customer’s existing PPI credentials. Such a transaction will, thus, be pre-approved before it reaches the UPI system. A PPI issuer, in its capacity as a PSP, shall not on-board customers of any bank or any other PPI issuer.

11.6.4. A PPI issuer may also facilitate discovery of its full-KYC PPIs on third-party UPI mobile applications, who, in turn shall enable such PPIs to be linked to their PSP handle/s. Such UPI transactions, from PPIs using third party UPI applications, shall be authenticated using the UPI credentials.

Link – https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12756&Mode=0

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