SEBI Update – Charges levied by Market Infrastructure Institutions – True to Label

It has been decided that the MIIs would comply with following additional principles while designing the processes for charges levied on their members which are to be recovered from the end clients:

a. The MII charges which are to be recovered from the end client should be True to Label i.e. if certain MII charge is levied on the end client by members (i.e. stock brokers, depository participants, clearing members), it should be ensured by MIIs that the same amount is received by them. 
b. The charge structure of the MII should be uniform and equal for all its members instead of slab-wise viz. dependent on volume/activity of members. 
c. To begin with, the new charge structure designed by MIIs should give due consideration to the existing per unit charges realized by MIIs so that the end clients are benefited with the reduction of charges. 

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