Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) are required to seek prior approval of the Reserve Bank for opening any new place of business including offering services at the doorstep of the customer.
It has been decided to allow financially sound and well managed (FSWM) UCBs to provide Doorstep Banking Services to their customers on a voluntary basis. However, Non-FSWM UCBs would have to seek prior approval of concerned Regional Office of Department of Supervision of the Reserve Bank to provide Doorstep Banking Services.
Eligible UCBs may formulate a scheme for providing Doorstep Banking Services to their customers, with the approval of their Boards
The operation of the scheme may also be reviewed by the Boards of UCBs on a half-yearly basis during the first year of its operation. The scheme may be reviewed thereafter on an annual basis.
For Further: https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12334&Mode=0